Meet Us

DIYdly is the creation of a team of industry insiders who want to simplify travel. The advent of the internet was supposed to be a boon for consumers, instead we have become overrun with too much choice and a life where everything is rated out of 5 stars.

Our ambition is to get back to basics, providing travellers with clear and simple advice that draws on decades of experience. The same advice we provide to family and friends when they are travelling to destinations that we know so well. We want you to have the best holiday possible without spending months in research or having to pay a tour company an inflated price for something you can easily do yourself.

The DIY Crew

  • Jason Williams


    Jason has been designing and leading tours for nearly 25 years and was the founder of one of Asia’s leading specialist bicycle tour businesses. But the question for him has long been how to empower everyone to mange their own holiday. The answer turned out to be easy, just give away all the ‘secret’ tour company info.

  • Ha Hien Hoai

    Ha Hien Hoai


    Hoai has lived and breathed tourism in Vietnam for most of his life. He and Jason met back in the early days of their tourism lives. Hoai’s meticulous knowledge of his home country made him the obvious choice to look after DIYdly’s first destination, the excitement that is Vietnam.

  • Mandy Kearsley


    Mandy has lived and breathed Asia for most of her adult life. Over the last 20 years Mandy has worked in various tourism roles, and is now resident in the North of Thailand working on her own tour business as well as being DIYdly’s in-country expert.

Current & Adaptable

Unlike travel bloggers who spend a few weeks travelling a country and write up their experiences, DIYdly’s team is made up of at least one person based in every country on our website who works in tourism, so our information is constantly checked and updated. And unlike tour companies, we can adapt instantly. When we find something better or new it can instantly be added to our itineraries.

We don’t claim to be perfect but we try everyday to be.

“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote: To travel is to live.”

— Hans Christian Anderson